Art Museum: Home

Upcoming Programmes

Outreach programme

Organizations or art groups are welcome to request a special art workshop. These workshops can be held in the afternoons or in the mornings during the school holidays.

Holiday programmes   

Creative and fun holiday workshops are held during the June-July and December-January school holidays for children from 7 – 15 years of age. 

Please note:

  • Cost: R30.00 per person per workshop and payment to be made in cash.
  • All the workshops start at 09h00 and finish at 12h00.
  • Children to wear an old t-shirt or to bring aprons, an old shirt or T-shirt to cover their clothing.
  • Bookings is essential as space is offered on first come first serve criteria.
  • Please provide own lunch/snacks. 
  • To book your place, please contact the Art Museum on telephone: 041 506 2000.
  • Parents are not allowed in the workshop.

Contact Details

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum

Address: 1 Park Drive, Central,  Port Elizabeth, 6001, South Africa

Telephone: +27 (0)41 506 2000 

Cell: 079 490 0690 

E-mail: or

Please note that our fax line is not working.

Please address all correspondence to the Director.

The Art Museum is open from 9:00 – 16:00 weekdays to the public.

The Art Museum is closed weekends and public holidays. We are open on certain Saturdays, please contact us to check which Saturday we will be open.

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