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Splash Call-out to Crafters

24 March 2023 - 24 March 2023
Splash Call-out to Crafters


Call for experienced crafters to exhibit their top local products at the SPAR Splash Festival 7 – 10 April 2023.   The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Arts, Culture and Heritage Sub Directorate invites all professional crafters living and working in Nelson Mandela Bay to submit entries to exhibit at the SPLASH FESTIVAL CRAFT VILLAGE.  We are challenging local crafters to present their top products to be presented for sale to visitors to the 2023 Splash Festival. The SPLASH FESTIVAL CRAFT VILLAGE will run from the 7th April (Friday) to the 10th April (Monday).
The competition will be tight as only 9 crafters will be selected. Entries will be accepted in all craft categories including locally produced attire, homeware, accessories (both traditional and contemporary), leatherwork, woodwork, beadwork, ceramics, recycled material, textiles and any pioneering new mediums.
Crafters must present a display of their top wears at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum on 24 of March 2023 for selection by craft and art experts. Entrants to the craft selection must arrive at the Art Museum promptly at 9:00. Participants will be given half an hour to setup up for the selection.  Tables will be made available for display. The selection will take place between 10:00 – 12:00 on 24 March 2023.

This craft extravaganza is designed to showcase spirit of Nelson Mandela Bay. Crafters will be judged on the following criteria:
 1.       Quality of workmanship
2.       Diversity of products
3.       Readiness for exhibition (crafters must demonstrate that they have enough products to fill the 3m x 2m exhibition space)
4.       Craft that represents the spirit of Nelson Mandela Bay
5.       Presentation and display of craft
Entry forms will be available on the day of selection.
Individual crafters and collectives are welcome to enter. Selected crafters or craft collectives will exhibit for free. A table and wooden back drop will be provided.

Contact: The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum for more information on 079 490 0690  or email:

Contact Details

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum

1 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, 6001, South Africa
+27 (0)41 506 2000 / Fax: +27 (0)41 586 3234
Please address all correspondence to the Director.

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