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Poetry reading by Brian Walter

17 June 2015 05:30 PM - 17 June 2015 07:30 PM
Poetry reading by Brian Walter


Award winning local poet, Brian Walter, will be presenting a talk and reading from his published collection of poems titledBaakens at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum, 1 Park Drive, Central, PE on 17 June 2015. Guests are welcome to arrive between 17:30 and 18:00.  Refreshments will be available.

Brian Walter uses the valley as a focus of a poetic meditation, wandering into the realms of the past, memory, racial divides, forgiveness and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  Walter’s early life and childhood experiences were intimately connected with a small portion of the valley which he explored with school friends, and discovered both the natural world and the people who lived across the river, in Fairview.

Like South End, the non-white communities of Fairview were forcibly removed from their land during Apartheid and in his poetry Brian reflects on how the valley was both a link and divide between people living on either side of the river. Time has, in his words, "crossed” him to that community, with his marriage into "our own Pillay” family of old South Enders.

Copies of Brian’s poetry collection will be on sale at the NMM Art Museum. The books cost R 70 each.

The poetry reading coincides with the NMM Art Museum exhibition Celebrating the Baakens Valley which is currently on at the Art Museum and ends 18 July 2015.

For more information or to RSVP, please telephone the Art Museum on 041 506 2000 or email us at

Contact Details

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum

1 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, 6001, South Africa
+27 (0)41 506 2000 / Fax: +27 (0)41 586 3234
Please address all correspondence to the Director.

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